Time Is Running Out!
Final Sale of the Season! 15% off Rental Amenities.
Use Promo Code Finalsale17
offer expires May 26,2017
*Beach Badge rental & services excluded.
Final Sale of the Season! 15% off Rental Amenities.
Use Promo Code Finalsale17
offer expires May 26,2017
*Beach Badge rental & services excluded.
Many national travel surveys show a growing trend in the number of people worldwide who prefer to spend their vacation in a rental home instead of a hotel. The privacy, cost saving and cultural authenticity associated with living in a residential property account for this growing interest. At the same time these trends also show that although these guests want an authentic experience they do not want to give up the hotels niceties such as housekeeping.
We (the LBI community) are well aware of the popularity of beach rental home market, but as a self- catering resort destination how do we service those who want a full vacation experience? The majority of the summer guest of LBI (as well as the rest of the jersey shore) are required to bring their own bed linens, towels and beach equipment.Now for many of our long time visitors this may not be an issue, it is just the way it is always been done. I remember in my earlier real estate career when many of the rental homes did not have air conditioning or television. Wifi? What was that? However many of the upcoming generations and new guests to LBI that want all the comforts of home but do not want to lug their linens, towels & beach equipment down the shore only to lug them back home to laundry them. These same guests don’t want to spend their first day making all the beds, especially if it involves bunk beds!
The same could be said for many of homeowners who rent their shore home. Some are willing to handle changeover cleanings, inspection & maintenance themselves. However, due to distance or lack of time, many would like someone else address any of the issues that occur during the rental season. Many homeowners hesitate to rent for that reason.
Technological advancements has made managing rentals remotely easier ,however, time is still a commodity to most vacation rental owners. Sand Bucket has found that although most owners consider their vacation home a business, 75 percent still work full-time in other fields. Vacation home managers are increasingly becoming a go-to resource for owners who don’t have a lot of extra time to care for their home and guests.
For this reason hiring vacation home managers is on the rise as more people begin to invest in vacation homes further away from home. Vacation home management companies help provide personal services to enhance the guest experience that owners are not able to offer remotely such as customer support and timely local tourism information. In New Jersey unless you are renting your home on your own, you need a Realtor to market your home. That is why Sand Bucket works with a license real estate broker who markets your home. We take over where the real estate agency leaves off.
Recognizing changing needs and to compliment current guest and homeowner services Sand Bucket was created. Guest who want to complete and/or enhance their rental stay can do so by going online to Sand-Bucket.com. To further assist those homeowners who do not have the desire or time to be hands on we offer cleaning, maintenance and home watch packages to provide our clients with worry-free beach home ownership.
“Beware”, this coming from Barnegat Light Township officials. They ask the public to be vigilant and use extreme caution when on the beach. Recent Nor’easters have eroded dunes on the north tip on Long Beach Island. The beach erosion as left a severe drop off with cliffs up to 14 feet high.
“DO NOT dig holes, caves or tunnels into the cliffs that have been caused by erosion,” warns the township website. If the tunnel or hole should collapse people could be trapped and fatal injuries can occur.
According to the township the affected beaches are from 11th street down and are going to wait and see how Mother Nature and prevailing winds will reverse the erosion. Mayor Kirk Larson told the SandPaper “The borough can also put a bulldozer to work leveling the upper beach.”